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Our Timeline:





3/16 Spring KAIAC Startup Competition

11/21 Fall KCSC 사례연구 경진대회

4/16 Spring KBC NIKE Business Competition

11/19 Fall KBC 통일 경제 스타트업 대회

4/7 Spring KBC [Environment, O2O Technology, 2023 Olympics]

8/1-8/3 Korea National Business Competition 매일경제 미디어 그룹파트너쉽 제 1회 한국 청소년 경영경진 대회

3/26 Spring Startup Competition


8/18 FBLA Business Competition

5/26 Spring KBC Competition 

10/21 Fall KBC  대회






Fall KBC



4/11 Spring KBC

11/14 KBC Mentorship


11/21 Fall KBC


KBC Mentorship Program

4/10 Spring KBC



KBC Mentorship Program

11/6 Spring KBC


Our Timeline

SINCE 2013


Past Competitions

2021 November. Korea Case Study Competition @ Zoom


Since our 2020 fall competition, we have once again hosted the 2021 fall competition online via Zoom due to current circumstances. In this competition, we have conducted mentoring session a week before the competition for participants to have feedback on the first draft business report. Three teams would meet with designated mentors simultaneously for 15 minutes during this mentoring session, which allowed teams to make improvements in their business reports. 

For this competition, teams were asked to identify a British company that does not have a meaningful presence in Korea. Then they had to build a business model to enter the Korean market including a 5-year execution plan with an initial budget not exceeding 1 billion KRW. 
WEBISY from Cheongna Dalton School received 3rd place, Dwight Entrepreneurship team received 2nd place, and APIS 1 was awarded the 1st place prize. 

WEBISY developed the potential of ‘Octopus Energy’ by facilitating business target strategy as a renewable energy transporting company. Dwight Entrepreneurship team developed ‘Recycling Technologies’ with the vision and the mission of being part of a global force navigating positive changes to a sustainable future. APIS 1 developed on ‘Alcove’ which creates a care technology ecosystem that pioneers independent living for older and disabled adults.


2021 April. Korea Case Study Competition @ Zoom


Due to the ongoing restrictions posed by COVID-19, the 2021 Spring KBC was hosted once again online, via Zoom. While the competition operated in a fairly similar fashion as the previous one, there was one new system added to the program: a mentoring session in between each round. During this mentoring session, the judges were to provide immediate feedback and suggestions regarding a team’s presentation and Q&A, allowing the teams to gain a better understanding of potential areas of improvement.

For this competition, teams were asked to develop a business model that attempts to solve “Corona Blue.” 3JWE (SFS) received third place, APIS 2 came in second, and SIS 3 was awarded first place. 3JWE presented “Spatula,” a business that serves to provide diverse culinary experiences to passionate amateur chefs through the delivery of meal-kits, while maintaining social distancing at home. APIS 2 developed “Boxed,” a digital application that exposes people struggling from quarantine to various entertainment opportunities available at home environments.

SIS 3 proposed “PB&J,” a business model that aims to relieve Corona Blue and bring joy by assessing the customer’s personality, suggesting suitable entertainment items to put in the client’s “personality box”, and delivering them to the user’s doorsteps.


2020 October. Korea Case Study Competition

@ Zoom


After the cancellation of the 2020 Spring KBC competition due to COVID-19, the committee moved the 2020 Fall competition onto Zoom for the first time in KBC history. With this shift to an online platform, KBC was also able to accommodate international participants, increasing its accessibility to more aspiring entrepreneurs. These teams were then tasked to develop a start-up business with 500,000 USD to address and take advantage of the current pandemic. Following 3 rounds of intense competition, SIS 1 received 3rd place, KIS 3 received 2nd place, and FlashFit was awarded the 1st place prize. 
SIS 1 developed the ‘Fitaholic’ business, an online workout instruction and fitness equipment delivery app to help consumers stay fit in the comforts of their homes while staying socially distanced. 
KIS 3 helped consumers keep track of and avoid densely populated areas through the installation of population trackers and thermal scanners across various businesses through their ‘Density’ app to prevent overcrowding and COVID-19 ‘super-spreaders’.

FlashFit proposed an EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation)-based business model which would provide an alternative to conventional fitness through short weekly 20-minute 1-on-1 EMS sessions at-studio or at-home to increase workout efficiency while adhering COVID protocols.


2019 November. Korea Business Competition @ SFS

The 2019 Fall KBC was hosted at Seoul Foreign School and competitors were asked to develop a new business model that makes use of existing CJ subsidiaries to promote health and wellbeing for customers, a prompt designed to address the rising trend of healthy living. KBC returned to a single division format for this competition to increase equity in judgement. After multiple rounds of fierce competition, YISS 2 received 3rd place, KIS 3 received 2nd place, and APIS 3 received 1st place for this competition.


2019 May. Korea Case Study Competition @ COEX 

This competition attempted to renovate the competition format, dividing the competitions into three sub-divisions: Social, Environmental, and Technological. With a diversified set of prompts, research guidelines, and expectations, we hoped to appeal to a broader audience. With increased participation from returning and new schools, we were able to host the competition at a far more prestigious venue this year, providing students with an ever-increasing participation experience. Winners of this year’s competition were:

Technology: APIS Team 2

Social: YISS Team 1

Environmental: SIS Team 1

Grand Award: APIS Team 2


2018 September. Korea Case Study Competition


This revamped Korea Case Study Competition (KCSC) was hosted independently of school affiliation with open registration. With sponsorship from Shinsegae Food, both international and public school students competed to outline a proposal of expansion for said company, ensuring both profit and corporate social responsibility. Judges selected for the competition were not teachers, but business majors and professors from distinguished universities such as Seoul National and Yonsei Universities. For the first time all placed teams received cash prizes for their efforts, and the 1st (KIS1) and 2nd (SIS2) place teams received distinguished awards from the Korean Congress, Ministry of Reunification, and Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.


2018 May. Korea Case Study Competition @ CI

The following Korea Case Study Competition (KCSC) was hosted by Chadwick International School in May of 2018. Students from 20 different international schools competed to outline a creative model solution to the recent decline in the market share and popularity of the global toy distribution company, Toys “R” Us. SIS team 1 took the grand prize.


2017 September. Korea Business Competition @ YISS


The third bi-annual Korea Business Competition (KBC) was hosted by Yongsan International School of Seoul in September of 2017. The competition allowed participants to become consultants and analysts to create their unique businesses that are inclusive to foreigners in Korea in an increasingly diversifying society. 


2017 March. Korea Case Study Competition @ CDS

The second Korea Case Study Competition (KCSC) was successfully hosted by Cheongna Dalton School in March of 2017. As business consultants, students were assigned to design both creative and practical ideas for the company ‘Nike’ to reinstate investors and experts’ confidence to ultimately take lead in the basketball brand market. 


2016 November. Korea Business Competition @ KIS

The third official KBC was hosted by Korea International School with distinct circumstances due to separation from KAIAC for our differences in interests. The competition was renovated to withhold a much more productive and organized format under the initial KBC committee. All contestants faced one another to create a successful post-reunification business, considering both profit maximization and social stabilization.


2016 March. KAIAC FBLA @ SIS

The proceeding Korea Case Study Competition (KCSC) was hosted by Seoul International School under continued sponsorship from KAIAC in April of 2016. Participants were assigned to actively analyze ‘North Face’, a faltering corporation in its athletic clothing industry, in order to reconstruct its business for revamped success. 

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2015 November. KAIAC FBLA @ APIS

The first-ever Korea Business Competition was hosted by Asia Pacific International School under KAIAC sponsorship in November of 2015. Participants were assigned to construct novel business ideas for solving a major social issue in South Korea.


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